Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Adrenaline Rush...Renewed

Flying by air was never really a fascination earlier, as I was born abroad and flying was the only mode of transport. But my flight yesterday to Baroda rekindled my interest in it for one reason: speed! It's a late realisation, but taking off gives such an adrenaline rush, seconded by my old bike only. I flew by Spice and Indigo. Found Indigo more pleasant :-). Spice people actually ran out of sandwiches!!! And their seats feel awkward. But today, returning by Jet, feels great :-). Comfortable, reasonable and great food! Though every carrier's landing is BLOODY scary, as Superman would say, "Flying is still the safest way of travelling" :-D ... Ya right! That's coming from a guy who flies with a cape and lands like an angel :-P ... And btw, the photo above was shot by me, that's the right wing of the Indigo Airlines aircraft.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ship of the concrete dessert

Man, this is a rare sight. This camel, along with atleast 5-6 more of them, were found near the junction of Chennai Bye-pass ring road and Poonamalee High Road, at Maduravoyal. Honestly, this is the first time I'm seeing a camel in person!!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Do your bit for the globe...

My post is nothing different from what the entire world is screaming about: Global Warming!!! You must have by now read countless articles and tv programs about this phenomenon which is threatening to sink islands, drain rivers/lakes and even sink cities in decades to come...and organizations like greenpeace are urging everyone to take a note and do your bit. I guess by now everyone is cautious and alarmed (hopefully) about the depth of the issue. You would have heard these bodies saying reduce your carbon footprint and stuff like that. Well, if you understand all that, good! Happy to have you on board. In case you don't, here are few tips that can help you in doing your bit for the Globe, and also save some bucks:

  • If you are not using an electronic or electrical equipment, turn it off completely i.e. switch off the master plug point itself. For eg: in your TV, when you switch it off using your remote, technically, you have put it on standby. In fact you'll notice a Red LED/small bulb glowing in its front panel. Though it hardly consumes any power, and generates very less heat, it does contribute to the Global warming phenomenon. I read somewhere that if every American household followed this tip alone, they can permanently shut down 3 power stations!!! So go figure, and remember to switch off any equipment that's not in use. Including stabilizers for air conditioners.
  • Check all water leaks at home and workplace (if you own it). Check for leaking taps, health faucets, etc. Not only do you conserve water, I have read it's also a good way to curtail negative energy (Tarot/spiritual stuff). And above all, ensure if Rainwater harvesting is done at your place properly
  • Use your vehicle judiciously, so that fuel is consumed in a frugal manner and thus contributing to fuel conservation too. Drive within 40-50 kmph, keep your windows rolled up, switch off your engines if you're stationary for 60 seconds or more, keep optimal air pressure etc.
You can also measure your carbon footprint by visiting this link: http://www.safeclimate.net/calculator/

That's pretty much it. Will keep updating this post for more easy tips for doing your bit for the globe.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yay :-)

Four months of penance! Knotted hairstrands, that once in a bluemoon dandruff prob, sweat-drenched irritating curls...finally has paid off! Got my hair straightened at Limelite salon! Makes a big difference to the person I see in the mirror.

Which brings me to the point of discussion. Personal care! Off late, I find people more conscious about their persona. The waiting time at the salon is testimony to this. The average Indian is earning more, and proportionally spending more. Such personal attention helps a lot in boosting morale, self-confidence. Being an HR consultant, I can vouch for that. It's proven that people who love themselves (not in an alarming manner :-p) show faster progress. In fact, a recent article also mentioned that well groomed professionals climb the corporate hierarchy faster! So people, go ahead! Indulge in some personal attention. Walk into a salon / spa, and pamper yourself :-)

Sent using Bluebottle™ email from my Sony Ericsson P990i

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Now, Blogger app on my phone!!!

Ok, blogging via email itself was quite interesting (I shouldn't say that, I hardly blog :-P), the new blogger app makes it even more interesting. It's an application which helps in publishing a post to a blog. Quite interesting. Hope it makes me blog more :-P