Monday, December 15, 2008

Human Being...the most dangerous being in the universe? Maybe…

November 26, 2008

Like any other evening, I sat at my laptop, eating a piece of truffle cake and watching a movie, “The Producers” today…out of nowhere, a house fly flew past my screen, and was hovering around me and my plate. It looked slow though. It was either wet/damp, or heavy, or maybe even pregnant? It kept irritating me for a moment or two. After a while, it landed on my plate. Not on the cake exactly, but on the plate though. Without thinking, purely on impulse…I ended its life. I do not want to say how I killed it.


While I was doing it, I didn’t realize what I was doing. But the moment it was done, I wondered why I did something ghastly like that. What drove me to do it? Maybe from an average human being’s perspective, the fly was about 1/200th or little more than that, of our size. So crushing it wouldn’t really make a big difference. It’s next to nothing. But when viewing this from the fly’s perspective, out of nowhere, a giant object came hurling towards it, and ended its life in a very, very painful manner. Even the almost-invincible cockroach, which I was told can survive nuclear radiations and so on, can’t escape the brutal squishing or crushing death by a human being.


Many of you reading this entry might find this stupid, wondering why I am making a big deal out of this. I might even get comments at the end of this note, that may have hints of insults (most of them would probably call me an “uncle”). But think for a moment my friends. Think about all the cockroaches, ants, snakes, worms etc. that you and I have killed for no reasons mostly. Or to be precise, only one reason: fear. The sole reason why we developed weapons, cages, sleeping darts (or poisoned darts to keep the flow) etc….FEAR. To be precise, in my opinion, it’s fear of survival.


All this thought process made me recollect another object being displayed at the Crocodile Park on ECR, on route to Mahabalipuram from Chennai. This object was a small cupboard, and had a display board/signage that said: behind these doors, is the most dangerous creature/animal on earth…and when I opened, I saw a mirror.


My intention is not to point out and start a debate on insect killings etc. If not anything, it’ll surely lead to Non-Vegetarianism and so on. My point is to help you realize the sheer might of our race…which we often misuse knowingly, or unknowingly out of fear. We think there’re aliens much more powerful, portrayed by sci-fi fantasy creators, having super powerful weapons and strength…they come here and become superheroes, or super-villains…for all that you know, they could be watching us, wondering if they should even set foot here to make friends. Cos the moment they send a messenger, we most probably won’t let him/her/it talk. We would rather arrest him/her/it and subject him/her/it to lab tests…


Ladies and gentlemen…we could be the most powerful being in the universe…so you can either celebrate, or wonder why we have probably misused this…I for now, am praying forgiveness to god for acting mercilessly against a living being …